Monday, February 7, 2011

First World Problems

Don't you hate when you're studying abroad for a semester in Prague and you realize once you get there that your camera is broken?

That's one of the last pictures my little Nikon took.  It did work on the airplane, as you can see from this view out the plane window onto Queens/Long Island.  I suppose my camera is just extra homesick and does not want to take any pictures of this foreign land.  The lens just won't come out.  This city is just so photogenic, and I've been having a good time, so it would be nice to capture my time here.  Plus, when there is a bunch of film students in a group together there are sure to be some really nice cameras.  And I can't even get my point and shoot Nikon to work.  I hate that this happened, but I also hate complaining about it when I have so much to be grateful for.

It's fair to say I have not yet got a complete grasp on my alarm clock.  For the first couple of days I woke up before it went off.  Yesterday, I did not need an alarm clock.  I believe I have woken up to it once or twice so far.  Today, I apparently did not set it properly as it did not go off at 7:30 as I intended.  I woke up to the sound of my roommate's phone at 8:45.  Too bad class was at 9.  Definitely was not going to make it to that class.  My semester wasn't off to the best start, but I'm hoping things will look up.  The class that I did actually make it to was Feature Screenwriting, which was a required one, so kind of important I make it there.

Here's to a semester in which I do not oversleep and miss any more classes!

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