Friday, April 15, 2011

I'll Be There For You

An unexpected habit I've gotten into during my time abroad is to compulsively watch Friends.  I have seen every episode of this 90s- early 2000s sitcom before, and yet I have the urge to relive them here in Prague.  Perhaps, unconsciously, I am craving something that reminds me of my New York home.  But I don't feel the same tinge of homesickness I felt while watching Annie Hall in class a few weeks ago.  There is a sort of comfort in the show Friends for me.  It was there all through my childhood.  So maybe I'm not craving the physical location of home, but the emotional home, the time I spent growing up.  It takes a lot of growing up to live in a different continent for 4 months with no one you knew before.  And growing up is scary.  Just ask Rachel Green.

At any rate, I'd like to personally thank the internet for providing me with these episodes of Friends.  I can't imagine studying abroad without the internet.  Not just for the television, but the communication.  It's so much cheaper to Skype or email home than to call.  I occasionally peruse the New York Times to see if anything significant is happening back home.

Right now what's on my mind is money, or lack thereof.  I purchased my train ticket to Berlin, and am thinking I way over paid.  I went to the train station to buy it, and it is significantly cheaper to purchase a ticket online.  I'm hoping I can return the ticket for a refund and buy the cheaper one.  We'll see. 

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